买youbute粉 开发国外客户,如何利用好佣金?comprar seguidores ins baratos,buy ins foll

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/buyfensi/』 - Do not consider all people are same. I am a Muslim & do not believe in bribe. It is forbidden strictly in the Religion ISLAM  & also in all the religions of the past & present.Accordingly, we do not do business with companies offering  such dirty deals.Consider this mail as the last one to you  and  your company.No reply is required too. just forget to make any future business with us.May God show you straight path.🟨🟧🟩🟦


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Do not consider all people are same. I am a Muslim & do not believe in bribe. It is forbidden strictly in the Religion ISLAM  & also in all the religions of the past & present.
Accordingly, we do not do business with companies offering  such dirty deals.
Consider this mail as the last one to you  and  your company.
No reply is required too. just forget to make any future business with us.
May God show you straight path.




第三:这种情况 糟糕了,可能他就是老板,他发现你要联合他的员工赚取他的钱,他当然不会给你好的果子吃呀,肯定会发飙的呀,你也犯了大忌。







之前我接到一个单子,一个美国的客户,需要采购一批LED,大概要采购50美元的,这个是可以个大单子,我们之间的一切沟通都非常的好,但是就是迟迟不见客户下单,于是我就想把合同发给他,先发制人看看他的反应,对方还是不签,所以我就想是不是和佣金有关呢,于是我就查询这个采购人的信息,平时在和他聊天中也套这个采购经理的话,于是我就问到在 很多采购部的都是老板家的近亲,就问他们那边是不是的,对方说他们那边也有这样的情况,但是自己是应聘去的。

知道这个情况,我就知道了这个采购经理和老板不是亲密关系的,那么提佣金就可以了,只是想直接提肯定不行,对方不一定能接收这样的。所以我就想了个点子,要了这个客户的私人聊天软件,等到对方下班之后,我给他发信息说自己公司 近出台了一个优惠,凡是这个月下单的客户都给到几个点返回,可以返到公司账户也可以返到个人账户,因为是下班前老板才刚刚告诉我的,所以我赶紧告诉你,并且这个只有我和老板知道的。

It's just that I can't directly mention the Commission to the other party. I'm sure I can't do it if I don't want to. So I came up with an idea. I asked for the customer's private chat software. After the other party got off work, I sent him a message that my company had recently issued a discount. All customers who place orders this month can return to the company account or personal account at a few points. Because it was just told by my boss before work, I quickly told you, and only my boss and I know this.comprar seguidores ins baratos,buy ins followers


I said so clearly, I believe the other party must know what I mean, and then the other party replied that I knew, placed an order the next day and paid a deposit. So after I got off work that day, I chatted with the customer privately and said to ask the other party to provide me with an account. When all the money was paid, we would remit it here. In this process, I don't ask the customer whether this is a company account or a personal account, so as to give the customer face.comprar seguidores ins baratos,buy ins followers








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