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eBay123获悉,据eBay Ads英国表示,继本周一疫情封锁解除后,英国人将迎来“报复性消费”,各个年龄阶段的消费者对外出服装和节日配饰的需求剧增。


eBay Ads英国 新消费者研究显示,20%的受访消费者与疫情前相比有更多的可支配收入,69%的消费者表示将在封锁解除后进行大量购物。服装将成为许多消费者的主要购买对象,研究发现,五分之一的受访者(22%)计划在封锁解除后优先购买新衣服。

EBay ads UK new consumer research shows that 20% of consumers surveyed have more disposable income than before the epidemic, and 69% of consumers said they would make a lot of shopping after the blockade was lifted. Clothing will become the main purchase target of many consumers. The study found that one in five respondents (22%) plan to give priority to buying new clothes after the blockade is lifted.cheap IG likes,IG reseller panel,wholesale IG


eBay Ads对eBay英国上的购物者行为进行的分析表明,eBay上关于“紧身牛仔裤”的搜索量比前 猛增了47%,而“圈圈耳环”和“假睫毛”的搜索量在同一时间段分别增加了27%和24%。


研究还显示,中老年群体和年轻一代同样热衷于外出游玩。在16-24岁的人群中,26%的人表示,封锁解除后 想去酒吧。值得注意的是,在55岁以上人群中,23%的人也有同样的想法。




此外,在为外出旅行做准备时,年轻一代 可能购买度假服装和必需品。21%的16-24岁和18%的25-34岁受访者表示,他们计划在封锁结束后优先购买度假服装。而55岁及以上的受访者中只有9%。同时,12%的16-24岁受访者计划购买行李箱等度假必需品,而55岁及以上的受访者中只有3%。

In addition, when preparing for travel, the younger generation may buy holiday clothes and necessities. 21% of respondents aged 16-24 and 18% of respondents aged 25-34 said they planned to give priority to purchasing holiday clothes after the closure. Only 9% of respondents aged 55 and over. At the same time, 12% of respondents aged 16-24 plan to buy vacation necessities such as suitcases, while only 3% of respondents aged 55 and over.cheap IG likes,IG reseller panel,wholesale IG


eBay Ads还发现,eBay上“户外旅行”相关品类的搜索量飙升了75%。对于跨境卖家来说,这显然是一个商机。

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