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Hello Mr.**,

This is **. We are a PRODUCT manufacturer. 

we have 15 years experience(此处略去两个自然段)。。。

Look forwards to your reply.


Best regards

这是一个非常常见的邮件,客户 能从这样的开发信中看得出来的就是“you are a manufacturer of PRODUCT”,至于到底产品如何,产品差异性在哪里,又到底要客户干嘛,客户是看不出来的,是让我买呢还是经销呢?这样的开发信,就是我眼里的没有主题的开发信。


Hello Mr.**,

This is **. We are a Automatic PRODUCT(在名称里体现了卖点之一) manufacturer.  Hope our unique PRODUCT can serve you directly(针对终端客户的,直接告知客户,我们是来卖东西的,以一种大家懂但是不那么直接的方式).

&Automatic analysis of all 3 parameters, 

&unlimited data storage


&^^^^^^ 独特的卖点4

FOB ANY PORT price only being $$$$, MOQ only !!;


Have you ever imported from China?(问个简单的问题,勾引客户回复) 

Look forwards to letting our unique PRODUCT serve your honored hospital(再次强调给客户,我们是来卖东西的).


Best regards


I've seen some development letters from netizens. Their letters have some slight grammatical errors. It doesn't matter. They're wordy. It doesn't matter. Even the prices are wrong. It doesn't matter. However, it has to be reflected. Where are your selling points? What is the purpose of writing a letter? After reading the email, I don't know what it is for and where the specific selling points are. The amount of information is not delivered in place and the intention is ambiguous. After reading this letter, it's the same as not reading it. Only customers like God will reply to such a development letter - the Ascaris level in your stomach, the kind you can fall in love with at first sight.buy Instagram likes paypal,bulk follow IG



我为什么要加上“Hope our unique PRODUCT can serve you directly。”?

就是为了直接告诉客户,我到底想从你那里得到什么,报价是告诉他,他需要付出什么,产品独特卖点是告诉他(产品卖点主要是跟其他厂家的不同之处,你们的优势),他到底可以得到什么,这才是一个邮件 基础的信息点。


我觉得哈,先把自己的产品吃透,卖点到底是什么,不要逃避,不要懒惰,不要含糊其辞,用凝练,简单,清晰的词汇表达出来,Smart Fetal Monitor是我自创的一个词汇,智能胎监仪,在这个行业没有人这么说过,但是,只要是看到这个字的,我相信绝对会有印象,因为它体现出了我们功能上的先进性,带有自动分析功能的胎监仪;你不去这样研究,是想不出好的推销词来的。

What I talk ambiguously is to first sell your products thoroughly, sell what it is, don't avoid it, don't be lazy, don't be vague, use concise, simple and clear words to express it. Smart Fetal Monitor is a word I created myself, intelligent tire monitor, no one has said so in this industry, but as long as I see this word, I believe that there will be impression, because it reflects our advanced function. Tire monitor with automatic analysis function; If you don't study like this, you can't think of a good sales pitch.buy Instagram likes paypal,bulk follow IG

哪怕你在说客户很笨,我觉得哈,都比写一个毫无思想,毫无主题,毫无目的的邮件好多了,我宁愿收到别人 骂我的邮件,也不愿意收到一个写的云里雾里,不知道要干嘛的邮件好;当然,我们还是不用骂人的哈。

❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥