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在搜索时,长尾关键词是精准度 高,转化率 好的。但使用长尾关键词进行搜索的消费者不多,受众范围比较小,所以新手卖家很容易就忽略了它的作用。




卖家们对自己选的产品或多或少有些了解,将产品的优势以及核心卖点尽可能多地记录下来,将归纳的卖点词输入到亚马逊搜索栏,搜索栏会在这些词后罗列出一系列的长尾词,而这些被亚马逊推荐的长尾词正是消费者 爱搜索的词。

Sellers know more or less about the products they choose, record the advantages and core selling points of the products as much as possible, and input the summarized selling point words into the Amazon search bar. The search bar will list a series of long tail words after these words, and these long tail words recommended by Amazon are the favorite search words of consumers.buy Instagram followers with paypal,50 likes


一些竞争对手的产品也会在“Best Seller”和“Amazon Choice”中显示,一旦出现在这些页面则说明了产品销量非常可观。可以根据它们产品的标题、五行描述、产品描述、评价等内容中进行筛选罗列,因为这些产品描述中常常包含了卖家精心挑选的长尾关键词,消费者互动区也不能错过。

Some competitors' products will also be displayed in "best seller" and "Amazon choice". Once they appear on these pages, it shows that the product sales are very considerable. They can be screened and listed according to their product title, five line description, product description, evaluation and other contents, because these product descriptions often contain the long tail keywords carefully selected by the seller, and the consumer interaction area can not be missed.buy Instagram followers with paypal,50 likes


市面上有很多关于选择长尾词类的亚马逊长尾词挖掘工具,主要功能有两种:一是通过大数据找到亚马逊 热门的长尾词;二是反查竞品后台设置的search term关键词,取其精华化为己用。

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